Kool Kats
Youth club for young adults with physical or learning disabilities.
Kool Kats
Our youth club for teenagers with SEND offers a range of engaging activities and opportunities for social interaction, as well as respite for families
Weekly – Thursday evenings ( term time only) youth club for teenagers with SEND.
Activity days in each school holiday
Age range: 13-18
Support needs :- low support, teenagers are supervised in a 1:5 ratio
Typical activities: Karaoke, Films, Gaming, cooking and themed nights
Stepping Up
Life skills education programme for young adults with learning disabilities
Stepping Up
We operate 41 weeks of the year and loosely close in line with school holidays, notice of these dates are given to all parents, carers and service users in advance . We run services 5 days a week expect bank holidays , you can choose to attend as many days as you wish. Some of our group attend every day and others come a couple of days per week. Once we have completed the initial paper work with you and have confirmed we are able to offer you a place we will inform you of your start date, which is when you will need to complete a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to secure your place. We have new starters all year round, and a waiting list for some of our Full Days so please get in touch as soon as possible if you would like a place at Stepping Up.
Mon & Tues: 10am – 3pm
Wed, Thurs & Fri: 11am – 4pm
If you’d like to find out more and book in to register and complete a needs assessment form with a staff member, please email or call Sam or Claire