Studies show there are over 11,000 young carers in Birmingham aged 5 – 24 years old, yet 89% of Young Carers feel lonely. And with only 4 young carer projects in the area, it’s not hard to see why.

We want Young Carers to know that they’re not alone. We want to remove the stigma that Young Carers feel. We want Young Carers to be accepted and understood. 


Our projects, Release, Upbeat Teens & Upbeat, work with vulnerable children and young people aged 5 – 25 years who adopt a caring role for a parent or relative. We offer support and respite for children aged 5 – 17 offering the chance to be young, meet other young carers and most of all have fun. We also provide life coaching and individual support for Young Adults Carers aged 18 – 25.

It was scary when Mum got ill, I didn’t know what to do. Release helped me understand what was happening. I’m not scared anymore.

Adam, Young Carer


People at the YMCA help me with stuff as well. I have friends there that I can relate to and we can talk ... Without them I wouldn't be myself. I wouldn't be the bubbly Ana that people know me for.

Aimee, Young Carer

Are you a young carer?

If you are aged 5 – 18 and you care for a parent or relative with a disability, illness or  addiction, we can support you.

Young Carers Transition Service

Are you a Young Carer aged 14-18? Struggling to balance home, school and friends? We can help by supporting you with your transition into adulthood. 

Are you a young adult carer?

If you are 16 – 25 and you care for someone with a disability, illness or addiction, we can help.