Just Youth is for young people aged 12 - 16 year olds (school year 7- year 11). Please fill out this booking form if you would like your child to attend our HAF Summer 2023 Provision. (Please Note: you need to fill out separate forms for siblings.)
This information is required for your child to attend the provision.
Asthma, Eczema, Medication, etc.
This includes ADHD, Autism, Sensory Issues etc.
Please fill this information correctly so we are able to know in advance your child's dietary requirements
Is there ANYTHING staff should be aware of about your child?
Please fill out your address including house number, road name, area, city and postcode
Please fill out an Additional Emergency Contact details. This person need to be different to the Main Contact
Just Young is for young people in Year 7 - Year 11 at School.
Please read each one and tick if you're happy to consent to this. By leaving it blank you are stating you DO NOT consent.